Jun 1, 2022


How many times you have stayed in a place where you were freezing? How many times have you been losing sleep when sweating in a place without an air conditioner? I am almost confident that the answer is "too many times".

Heat is something that we all experience uniquely, and everyone has their own preferences on how warm or cool their living environment should be. If guests feel either too hot or too cold in a place, most likely they will never return.

Some people will come to short-term rentals for work, and they will basically be sitting the whole day. When sitting, your body is not actively producing heat, and you will easily get cold. Some guests will be more active and be out the whole day, and during nighttime, they would prefer a cooler environment. Some guests’ lifestyles may require higher or lower heat than others.

You may think you could save some pennies from the heating or cooling cost when setting a standard temperature, but what will happen when guests don't feel comfortable with your decision? They may take extra long showers to either cool themselves down or to get warm. Sometimes my only choice was to turn the oven on when staying in a cold place, and to tell you the truth, that wastes energy much more stupidly than being able to adjust the heat a bit warmer.

These days businesses often want to market themselves as eco-friendly, and that is a great goal. Dictating the temperature doesn't make you eco-friendly yet, but instead, you could invest in good quality long-lasting materials and appliances or self-sustainable energy production and water collecting systems.

Also, the building itself has much to do with energy consumption, and with better insulation and tighter structure you can control better what stays in and what stays out. Too often I see buildings that have heaters set on the hottest while the ventilation system sucks the hot air out replacing it with cool fresh air. Having appropriate ventilation in your building is important, but it should be in sync with your heating system, and not work against it.
Being able to control the indoor temperature and set it for your own preference should be every man's right.